• Bradley Woods
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  • Use the power of the universe to achieve success

Use the power of the universe to achieve success

Harness the power of your mind to achieve what you desire

Are you having trouble achieving success?

You may be sitting down to plan your success, but are not getting the desired results.

If that's the case, then I'm here to tell you that what you need is an already-having-received-it attitude!

It sounds hard at first, but keep in mind that it is the only way the mind works, and that Power, Mind, and Life are all inside of us.

We just have to flow with these energies and provide the thought form with Divine energies to attract the conditions necessary to fulfill our thoughts.

To do this, we free our minds from any fear or sense of separation from the infinite.

Then, we must be conscious of applying the Law of attraction to our lives and practice Controlling our thoughts.

Finally, we need to recognize that power comes to those who are most aware of the Divine Presence and act on that.

So let's take a step back and apply what we've learned.

Believe in yourself, raise your Awareness of what you want, and use the Power of the universe to get there.

You can do it!

Don't Miss Out - Join Now and Manifest Your Desires!

Bradley Woods

I have absolute faith and trust that I can realize success in my life. I open my heart and mind to the forces of the universe, allowing their wisdom and power to flow through me. I understand that I must practice controlling my thoughts and be conscious of the Divine Presence in order to use the power of the universe to achieve my goals. As I affirm and recognize these truths, I am filled with confidence and courage to succeed.


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