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  • Unlock your secret superpower – manifest your desires

Unlock your secret superpower – manifest your desires

Believe in yourself and unlock your potential - you have the power to create your reality and manifest your desires!

Have you ever been on a road trip and felt stuck in a traffic jam?

You know you're headed in the right direction, but you can't seem to get there fast enough.

Well, that's how it often feels when we're trying to manifest our desires.

We know what we want, but it can seem like it's taking forever to get there. That's when we need to remember the power of vibration and abundance.

Think of it like this: everything in the universe has a vibrational frequency, including your desires and manifestations.

So if you can align your vibration with the frequency of what you want, it will come to you faster.

Now, let's talk about abundance...

Close your eyes and imagine what the vibrational frequency of abundance feels like.

It's like a breath of fresh air, a clear path, and an endless flow of possibilities.

It's the feeling of ease, freedom, and certainty.

Abundance is not about scarcity, jealousy, or fear.

It's about fun, sureness, and an unwavering belief in the unlimited flow of goodness.

So, what do you do if you find yourself in less abundance than you desire?

Well, here's a little secret: you can practice the vibration of abundance by shifting your focus away from what feels limited, like money, and towards things that bring you joy and make feel unlimited.

Think about the feelings of fun, clarity, and fresh air. These are the seed vibrations of abundance, and by staying off the subject of lack, you can begin to align yourself with the frequency of what you truly desire.

And here's something else you may not know: everything you've asked for is already on its way to you.

The only question is, how long will you keep yourself from receiving it?

Your vibrational frequency determines the speed at which your desires manifest. So, it's time to stop focusing so much on what is already manifested and start focusing on who you truly are and how you want to feel.

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Take a moment to make a list of the things you want in life.

Now for each item on your list, ask yourself, "What is the feeling behind this desire?"

What does it feel like to experience love, security, empowerment, or any other desire you have?

Focus on the vibrational reasons behind your wants and start practicing the frequency of those feelings.

As you do this, you'll begin to attract more of what you desire into your life.

Law of attraction is not your mother, trying to make you feel better when you're down.

It is your best friend, showing you how you feel so you can make choices.

Instead of scolding yourself into better vibration, try self-soothing.

Treat yourself with kindness and encouragement, just like you would treat a young child who is learning and growing.

Choose to uplift yourself, focus on what's going well, and watch as the universe responds with more of the same.

As you continue to tend to the frequency of your true self, you will start noticing a shift in your daily experiences.

Little moments of joy, unexpected blessings, and synchronicities will become more prevalent.

Before you know it, you'll be walking around feeling like the most blessed being, surrounded by a world that aligns with your desires.

Remember, how you feel is your indicator of what's coming next, so choose your feelings wisely.

I hope this has inspired you to embrace the power of vibration and abundance in your life.

Remember, you have the ability to create the world you desire by aligning your frequency with your deepest desires.

So, let's practice the vibration of abundance, self-soothe, and embrace the joy of deliberate creation.

Your friend in abundance,

Bradley Woods

I am a powerful creator and I choose to align my frequency with my deepest desires. I am surrounded by an abundance of joy, blessings, and synchronicities. I am the master of my vibration and I choose to embrace the joy of deliberate creation. I am open to the unlimited flow of goodness and I am grateful for all that life has to offer.


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