Unlock the Power of the Universe

Stop all striving and all struggle and know the truth within your own soul.

Have you ever felt stuck in a rut, like no matter what you do, you can't seem to get ahead? Like you're just spinning your wheels, and nothing is happening?

I know I have. It's frustrating, and it can be hard to get out of it.

But I've recently discovered a way to unlock the power of the Universe and create the activity I want in my life.

It's based on a principle that works just as much in the smallest of things as it does in the greatest of things. And it's something that I've been using to create more activity in life, and it's been working!

The key is to overlook what you see and experience and instead focus on what you want to create.

Instead of seeing the lack of activity, you must mentally fill the place.

You need to know and declare that you are in the midst of an activity.

You need to feel this to be accurate and mentally see the place crowded.

You must combine faith in the higher power with all you do and visualize it daily as being filled.

You need to have no sense of strain and trust that the power of the Spirit is bringing all to pass.

And most importantly, you need to stop all striving and struggle and know the within your soul.

Use your innate power within instead of forcing it (which repels it actually), with willpower.

Doing this will unlock the power of the Universe and create the activity you want in your life.

So don't give up! You can do this!

Thanks for reading,

Bradley Woods


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