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  • The Power of Neville's Teachings: Unlocking the Bible's Hidden Messages

The Power of Neville's Teachings: Unlocking the Bible's Hidden Messages

Have you ever read deep into the Bible and felt like you were solving a tricky mystery?

Get ready, because Neville has some cool stuff to share about our inner spirit.

Pretend you're a character in a book, and each name represents a different way of thinking.

Got it?

Good, because that’s exactly how Neville wants you to approach your reading of the Bible.

The characters aren't just regular people. They represent ideas meant to be discovered through a series of special messages.

Talk about a plot twist!

Now, let’s talk about Satan.

No, not the one with the pitchfork and fiery pits, but the state of complete unbelief.

In the state of Satan, you can’t accept something as real unless you can touch it or see it.

It’s like being stuck in a never-ending episode of The Twilight Zone where nothing is what it seems.

Sounds like a scary movie, right?

But don’t worry. The Spirit of Truth is here to save the day.

Jesus Christ, personifying truth, proclaimed himself as the way, the truth, and the light.

He even dropped the bombshell that he came from the Father and was returning to the Father. Talk about a plot twist!

And speaking of plot twists, let’s not forget the dramatic appearance of the Messiah, who isn’t just popping out of nowhere but is actually buried in the hollowed foundation stone of your skull. (Pineal gland?)

Mind = blown.

Now, let’s fast forward to the present day.

How often have you looked around and thought, “Aren’t they beautiful?” and your friends see nothing?

It’s like you’re seeing a dozen red roses in a crystal vase while they’re just staring at an empty table.

What’s a person to do in a world where truth is buried in the skull, and everyone’s stuck in their own episode of The Matrix?

But fear not because Neville has some sage advice for you.

The key to externalizing truth (or error) is to use your own wonderful human imagination.

Think of it as your personal superpower, like having a Batmobile for your brain.

With a little imagination, you can create anything; with God as your co-pilot, all things are possible.

So, the next time you pick up the Bible, remember that every word has a meaning, and every character personifies a state of consciousness.

As you learn about the Bible, always remember that the more you study Neville's teachings, the more successful you will be.

Now, move forward and seek success, knowing and using your true spirit and imagination to reach new heights of success.

In Neville's words, let us go into silence.

Yours in success,

Bradley Woods

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