The Power of Mind in Healing

Believe in Your Ability to Make a Change

Do you ever feel like the medicine you take is worse than the malady itself?

Well, you're not alone! In fact, the great Shakespeare once said, "I find the medicine worse than the malady."

And guess what?

He was onto something!

At a lunch with 700 American and Canadian doctors, Dr. Woods Hutchinson talked about getting rid of the idea that drugs are always the answer. People are starting to see that drugs may not be the best solution for their problems.

He said that getting rid of 99% of all drugs would be good for people. But it would be hard on the fish if we threw them in the sea. To explain this, he quoted Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Sir Arbuthnot Lane was a surgeon for King George. He agreed with Dr. Hutchinson's comments. He said that as people learn more about health, doctors may not be needed in the future.

Can you believe that? It's like trying to establish a "suicide club" for doctors!

Let's go back in time to when people loved Patent Medicine fakirs and Indian Medicine Men. It was a popular thing back then.

People would buy any cure sold by these dishonest tricksters if it made them feel better. These people don't care if the cure is fake, as long as it seems to work.

In the past, people used to believe in the Indian Medicine Man and street corner fakirs. But now, those kinds of people are not respected anymore. However, some people still pretend to be like them, but they try to look more respectable.

But wait, there's more! The worst offenders of all are those who, of all people, should know better – some doctors. Yes, you read that right! Some doctors are still stuck in the mindset that drugs are the only way to cure disease. But, as Dr. Woods Hutchinson courageously points out, medicine itself cannot cure disease.

We should rethink how we heal ourselves. The best know that drugs can't cure, only give temporary relief and cleansing. Shouldn't we try something new?

Believing in the power of your mind to influence your body is important, and medication can also help. Don't forget that your thoughts and beliefs can make a difference in how you feel.

In his book, Dr. Cabot says that most people get better from sickness without even knowing they had it. He thinks this happens about 75% of the time.

It's like the body plays the ultimate game of hide and seek and wins most of the time!

And here's a thought to ponder: Is it possible that the most powerful factor in bringing about the desired effect of a drug is the patient's belief... and maybe a little placebo effect?

Let's not forget that the power of Mind in healing cannot be overlooked.

Doctors can't force healing on a patient. It's the body that does the healing with the doctor's help.

The power of your mind can help treat diseases and make you happy and healthy. Just by focusing your thoughts on healing, you can boost your health. So, always try to think positively and believe in your ability to make a change.

And remember, the more you read emails like this, the more success you will have. It's like a magical increase in your life and your ability to achieve greatness!

To your success,

Bradley Woods

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