Mind Power Creates Your Reality

Abundant Success Awaits You

Have you ever had a streak of bad luck that made you feel uneasy and worried?

It's like an old witch camping outside your door, casting a shadow.

If so, I've got some good news for you. It turns out that YOU were the procuring cause of all that trouble.

Yep, that's right. Fear is just creative thought in negative form, and it's time to kick that old witch to the curb once and for all!

Think back to 1920, when everything looked rosy and life was flowing like a song.

We had crops worth ten billion dollars, splendid utilities, and great railways.

Something bad happened. People got scared all across the country. This made prosperity go away, all of a sudden.

The moral of the story? Fear is the devil, my friends. It's the primary cause of sin, disaster, disease, and misery in the world. But fear not! There's a way to banish it from our lives.

So, how do we tackle our work each day?

Do we grapple with the task at hand with a confident, easy mind, or do we let fear take the wheel?

As Edgar A. Guest once said, "Do you start to toil with a sense of dread or feel that you’re going to do it?"

The secret to banishing fear lies in realizing the power of your mind.

Your body is just like clay in the hands of a potter, and your mind can mold it to your will.

Your mind controls every part of your body. To feel healthy, powerful, abundant, and happy, start thinking positively.

Banish those thoughts of poverty and disease like you would drive filth from your homes!

Now, I know what you're thinking—easier said than done, right?

Trust me, I get it.

But here's the thing: fear brings into being the very things that it fears.

It's the Frankenstein monster that we create, and it's time to pull the plug on that experiment gone wrong.

So, how do we banish fear from our lives?

We relax!

It's important to forget about the problems of each day and start again. Old soldiers prefer to have new soldiers, and we should do the same.

Why carry the burden from one day to the next when we can give our minds a chance to rest and recharge?

In the end, the only limits upon us are those we put upon ourselves.

It's time to use the energy around us and make our lives abundant. We have unlimited power and we can use it.

The first step?

Focus your thoughts on one thing. Really want it. Stay focused on it without getting distracted. This will help you achieve your goal.

The rest will follow.

We can create success, happiness, and abundance by using our minds. Let's get rid of bad luck to make it happen.

Trust in the Lord of Universal Mind and delight in all the desires of your heart, my friends.

And if all else fails, just remember—you've got the power, baby!

Wishing you all the success and abundance in the world,

Bradley Woods

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