Your mind is a garden of abundance.

You attract what you think.

Picture this: every thought you think is like a seed planted in the rich soil of your mind. And just like a seed, it will grow into the life you live.

The law of thinking is a mighty force that shapes your life. It determines the conditions you face and the results you get.

Like nature, the mind doesn't care if the seeds planted are weeds or flowers. Positive and negative thoughts are equally potent.

It simply creates and causes both to grow with the same energy.

We must steer our thoughts towards positive expression.

This is where the magic happens.

I like to think of our thoughts as tiny messengers that move really fast. They have an impact on our daily lives and create different effects.

We attract only what we think or create, so it's crucial to stay mindful of the thoughts we entertain.

But how can we harness the power of our thoughts for success and fulfillment? It starts with having a clear design in mind, a well-defined aim or objective to which we can frame our thoughts.

Think of it like climbing a hill. We don't just sit and hope we make it to the top. We start walking and imagine ourselves at the peak.

Self-control means being able to steer your thoughts towards happiness. It involves making a conscious effort to take charge of your actions and emotions.

We need to plan our time and work, do useful things all day, and not waste time talking about nothing.

It's about setting priorities and focusing our energy on what truly matters.

Remember, we attract only what we think or create. So, it's essential to force some issue whereby we alter or change the trend of our thought.

Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Replace fear with courage. Replace thoughts of illness with thoughts of health.

It's all about shedding light to get rid of the dark, both literally and figuratively.

We must also embrace the idea of being rather than doing. List your two Bs before your two dues - what do you want to be that day?

Think clear. Focus on what you want. Make sure your thoughts match your goals.

This is the frequency of success and fulfillment.

As Henry Van Dyck once said, "thoughts are things." They are endowed with body, breath, and wings, and we send them forth to fill the world with good.

We build our future thought by thought, for good or ill.

This is the power of the law of thinking, and it's in your hands to use this power wisely and purposefully.

Friend, as you read my emails, I hope you feel successful and abundant. May your life improve in every way.

Wishing you all the success and fulfillment in the world,

Bradley Woods

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