Manifest the Best for Yourself

Align Your Thoughts and Desires with the Greater Purpose of Life

Did you ever play catch as a kid?

You know, that thrilling game where you'd toss a ball back and forth with a friend.

Well, let's take a trip down memory lane and use this game as a metaphor for life.

Imagine the ball as your thoughts and actions.

If you throw it carelessly, it might shatter a window.

That's the Law of Cause and Effect in motion.

But what if someone catches the ball before it hits the glass?

The window remains intact. The law isn't broken. It's just been redirected.

Now, let's apply this to our lives.

Sometimes we might feel like we've thrown a ball straight at a window.

We've made mistakes, attracted things we didn't want, and now we're bracing for the shatter.

But here's the good news: we're not bound by our past actions.

Just like in our game of catch, we can change the trajectory. We can catch the ball before it hits the glass.

How do we do this?

By changing our attitude towards the Law of Cause and Effect.

Instead of fearing the shatter, we need to focus on catching the ball.

This means stopping negative thoughts and actions, and replacing them with positive ones.

Remember that thing you attracted that you didn't really want?

Consider it a misdirected throw.

But don't worry, you don't have to let it shatter your window.

You can choose to catch it, learn from it, and throw it again.

This time, with more wisdom and precision.

Now, you might be thinking, “Easier said than done!“

And you're right.

It's not easy to change our thought patterns.

But here's a secret: you don't have to do it alone.

Just like in a game of catch, you can have someone on your team, ready to help you catch those balls before they hit the glass.

So, let's start fresh. Let's forgive ourselves for our past throws, drop the undesired things from our thoughts, and start anew.

Let's align our thoughts and desires with the greater purpose of life.

And here's an idea: why not join my email newsletter?

It's like having a teammate in this game of life, always ready to help you catch those balls before they hit the glass.

You'll get regular tips and insights on how to improve your throws, catch the balls more effectively, and avoid the shatters.

Plus, you'll be part of a community that's also playing this game, learning, and growing together with a focus on Wealth Consciousness, Personal Transformation, the Universe, Creative Power, Inner Level, Bigger and Better Places, Power and Influence, Affirmations, and Small Thoughts.

Bradley Woods

I align my thoughts and desires with the greater purpose of life. I forgive myself for my past mistakes and release the undesired things from my thoughts. I am open to the cosmic plan that is being worked out, and I am ready to lend myself to it in order to attain a real degree of life. I am blessed as I work more in line with the Father, and I am confident that I can manifest the best for myself.


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