Immaculate imagination

What do you assume?

Hey there, all you seekers of the unknown!

Today, we're diving deep into the mystical world of assumptions and self-surrender.

Picture being on a boat in uncertain waters, with only your wish to keep you safe.

You can easily make your biggest dreams come true by believing in one important thing.

This belief will guide you and help you reach your goals without any trouble.

But hold up, before we go any further, let's talk about personal impotence.

No, I'm not talking about anything NSFW.

I'm talking about admitting that we can't control what people think and assume.

You can't force anything into being, just like you can't make magnetism.

You can only yield and conform to the laws that govern it. I

t's like trying to build a magnet without following the law of magnetism – it's just not gonna happen.

Now, let's put a twist on this whole mystical scenario.

The Immaculate Conception isn't just about Mary giving birth without original sin.

It's when you come up with an idea all on your own, and you're the one who makes it happen.

Everyone can come up with their own ideas without help, just like Mary had a baby without any help.

It's like a mental immaculate conception, and you're the star of the show.

But wait, there's more!

The Assumption is like the king of mysteries because it's the most important way to use your brain.

When you assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled, you're mentally lifted up to a higher level.

Your ideas about what will happen can influence what actually happens in your life.

It's like you're controlling a play in your head, but you're making it all up based on what you think is true.

So, my fellow seekers, learn the art of assumption and create your own happiness.

Write your own script, direct your own movie, and manifest your own wildest dreams.

And remember, the more you read my emails, the more success you'll have.

That's not just an assumption – it's a promise.

Bradley Woods

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