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  • Gain Control w/ Faith: Unlock Your True Potential

Gain Control w/ Faith: Unlock Your True Potential

Are you a slave to your daily routines?

Do you believe in miracles?

Have you ever felt like no matter what you do, you just need help to make progress?

That's a place I've been in before, and I'm sure you have, too.

The key to making real progress towards our goals is to understand and use the Wealth Consciousness, Accelerated Personal Transformation, and the Inner Mind to create Bigger and Better Places, Power and Influence, and Small Thoughts, Bigger and Greater Things through Universal Laws, Faith, and Miracles.

Let me tell you a story...

Back in the 60s, there was a science fiction writer, Robert, who wrote a book called “Strangers in a Strange Land. “

He wrote something that has since turned out to be prophetic.

He said, “In the absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved.”

What he was trying to say was that if we have a clear vision of what we want our lives to become, we can avoid getting stuck in patterns of continually doing tasks that don't move us toward our larger vision.

We become slaves to our daily routines.

The ancient works of Buddhism and other spiritual teachings worldwide convey the same thought.

They say that by using Faith and understanding the power of our minds, we can begin to manifest the life of our dreams.

Gandhi is an excellent example of this principle. He was a small, insignificant man, but he brought 200 million people together in Faith.

He was able to create a movement that changed the world.

The key is to gain an understanding of Universal Laws and to gain an understanding of who we are, and our relationship with all schemes of things.

When we do this, we can begin to live the life we are designed to live. We can set big goals and do not doubt that we will reach them with our strong Faith.

So next time you feel stuck in daily trivia, remember that with Faith, we have the power to create our Miracles. Let's all work towards our dreams and make them come true.

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All the best,

Your Friend

I affirm that I am always in control of my life. I have the power to focus my thoughts and create a life of my dreams. I know that I have an amazing potential, and I can make progress towards my goals with faith and understanding. I am surrounded by an infinite intelligence and I trust that I will reach my goals in perfect timing. I am brave enough to set big goals and to believe in their manifestation. I accept and honor the power of my faith.


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