Follow the Trail of Bliss to Success

Have you ever felt like the things you really want are just sitting on a shelf like a forgotten toy in the attic?

Well, it's time to dust off those old stale desires and breathe new life into them.

Picture this: You're at a radio station, trying to tune in to your favorite song. But instead of finding the right frequency, you keep hearing static.

Frustrating, right? Well, the same principle applies to your desires.

When you want something but you don't feel good about it, it's like trying to listen to a radio station that's not clear.

But fear not, my friend.

Your feelings are like your own personal GPS, helping you find your way.

If you feel really sad, getting angry might help you feel better.

And let's face it, anger feels a whole lot better than despair, right?

It's like driving a car and hearing the GPS voice say, "Please go the right way" again and again.

You can't ignore it forever. Eventually, you'll find yourself back on track, moving the right way.

But here's the real golden nugget of wisdom: follow the trail of bliss.

It may start with being mad, then feeling upset, and finally lead to hope and belief.

It's like walking up a stairway of feeling better, thinking happy thoughts.

Remember, life is supposed to be good for you. You're a powerful creator, and you deserve to allow the well-being that you've been asking for to flow to you.

It's just a matter of finding thoughts that cause you to allow your connection with source.

So the next time someone tells you that you shouldn't be angry, just tell them, "Maybe not, but I am, and I'm glad I am.

This anger is a big improvement for me, and it feels good." Own your emotions, and let them guide you to a place of alignment with your desires.

As you move forward, remember that reading messages like this can help you succeed.

After reading this email, you are left with the impression of increase in all areas of your life.

Stay blissful,

Bradley Woods


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