The End of Creation (But Not Really)

What’s good, my fellow seekers of truth and enlightenment!

I'm here to help you create and make things happen, and also to help you learn new things that will make your mind grow.

Today, we're diving deep into the mind-bending concept that creation is finished.

That's right, folks, it's all done and dusted - but don't start mourning the loss of your creative spark just yet.

Stay with me and I'll tell you why knowing this is really empowering.

So, picture this: you're standing at the edge of the universe, peering into the vast expanse of time and space.

You can see how things started and how they'll end. The really old past and the faraway future, all before your eyes in an amazing space show.

It's like playing a game of 4D chess with the gods, and you're holding all the cards.

But here's the kicker - you're not just a spectator in this cosmic drama, you're an active participant. In fact, you're the director, the producer, and the leading star of the show.

I understand that it can be hard to keep track of everything, especially when you forget where you put your keys. But don't worry, you can still be in control even if you forget small things like that.

Ah, my friends, that's where the magic of consciousness comes into play.

Everything that has happened or ever will happen exists right now, forever and without end.

It's like having all the shows on Netflix right on your phone. But instead of watching someone else's story, you get to watch the best show ever made - your own life!

You have everything that humans have ever been or will be inside you right now.

It's like having the whole universe in a backpack, ready to see all its amazing things whenever you want.

Everything you can think of, want, or feel is already inside you.

You're not creating anything new, you're simply becoming aware of what already is.

It's like finding a big surprise in your own backyard, but instead of treasure, it's your biggest dreams. And instead of just your backyard, it's the whole universe.

But wait, there's more!

The way you think of yourself decides what happens to you.

That's right, folks, it's all about the power of your own self-image.

Imagine you are the main character of your own life story. The way you see yourself is like a script that decides what happens in the story.

If you think you're a winner, you'll notice things that make you feel that way.

It's like having a special pass to the best show ever, and you're the main star on stage.

So, my fellow cosmic adventurers, take a moment to rethink your concept of yourself. What kind of movie do you want to star in?

What role do you want to play in the cosmic drama of creation?

The more you read and learn from these amazing things, the more successful and happy you'll be in your own life.

It's as if you can access an ultimate cheat code for the universe, granting you unlimited extra lives.

So, buckle up, strap in, and get ready for the wildest ride of your life.

The show is about to begin, and you're the star of the greatest story ever told. And remember, the more you read this email, the more success and greatness you will attract into your life.

Comment with the word "cosmic" and unlock the power to manifest your greatest desires in this amazing universe.

Let's tap into the infinite potential of creation and make your wildest dreams a reality.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to harness the power of cosmic consciousness and shape your own destiny.

Comment now and start living the life of your dreams!

Stay weird, stay wonderful, and keep creating your own cosmic masterpiece.

Yours in cosmic consciousness,

Bradley Woods

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