• Bradley Woods
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  • Build your dream life: Embrace the talking frog within you!

Build your dream life: Embrace the talking frog within you!

Discover the power within you to architect a future filled with extraordinary dreams and aspirations.

What’s up!

Hey, you heard the story of the old man and the talking frog?

No, this isn't a bedtime story or a fairytale.

It's about an old man strolling through a botanical garden. He spots a frog perched on a cactus, who claims to be a princess trapped in a frog's body.

All the old man has to do is kiss the frog, and voila, a princess ready to grant him his heart's desire would appear.

So, does the old man pucker up?

No, he puts the frog in his pocket, preferring a talking frog over a princess.

Sounds absurd, right?

But hey, who am I to judge?

I mean, maybe the old man just really enjoyed having conversations with amphibians. To each their own, I guess.

The point of this quirky tale is that the old man knew what he wanted.

He didn't let a random talking frog (or societal expectations) decide his life's desires.

And that's a lesson we can all learn from.

Your life is like that old man's walk in the botanical garden.

You are the architect of your future.

And, just like the old man, you have to choose your own talking frog.

Do you want to be stuck in a mundane routine, going through the motions of life without any real purpose?

Or do we seize the opportunity to create a life that is truly extraordinary?

The talking frog in this story represents your dreams and aspirations.

It's the life you envision for yourself.

You need to pick one, and if you're confused, make one up - yes, you heard it right.

Because, let's face it, if you aren't creating your life, you're just breathing, passing time, and defaulting to life's patterns and programs.

But how do you know if this dream aligns with your soul's purpose?

Well, we've got a litmus test that you can use to understand if your dream is worthy of your life's energy.

It's not about whether you are worthy of your dream, it's whether your dream is worthy of you!

The Five-Point Dream Test

Does this dream give you life?

When you imagine living this dream, does it make you feel more alive? If yes, you've passed the first hurdle.

Does this dream align with your core values?

This question is about understanding what matters to you at the end of the day. Relationships? Family? Giving back to the world? You want your dream to line up with these core values.

Does this dream require you to grow?

Every dream should push you out of your comfort zone. If your dream doesn't require you to grow, it's not big enough.

Do you need help from a higher power?

Now, this doesn't mean you need divine intervention. It's about understanding that you won't have all the answers. It's about faith in the unknown and an understanding that the journey towards your dream will unfold as you go along.

Is there good in this dream for others?

Your dream should ripple outwards, touching lives beyond your own. It could be as simple as demonstrating love in a relationship or creating beauty through a garden.

Building the Dream that Passed the Test

Once your dream passes the test, it's time to turn it into reality. Think of your dream as a blueprint. You are the architect, and it's up to you to build it.

Consider the story of a software engineer from the Northwest. He lived a comfortable life, but his dream wasn't about writing code. It was about nurturing a florist shop, becoming a hub for orchid lovers. He passed the five-point test, and today, his florist shop has not only transformed his life but also brought joy to his community.

What is your dream?  

What is the talking frog in your life that you want to keep in your pocket?

Remember, it's not about whether you are worthy of your dream. It's about whether your dream is worthy of you.

So, take some time and consider the talking frog in your life.

Until next time, keep dreaming!

Bradley Wood

P.S. Remember, just like the old man chose a talking frog over a princess, you have the power to decide what matters to you. You are the master of your destiny. So, choose your talking frog wisely.

Read the affirmation below, write it down, record it in your own voice and listen to it over and over again. Let it seep into you subconscious mind and transform you from the inside out.

I am the architect of my future. I choose to unleash the talking frog in my life, embracing my dreams and aspirations. I trust that my dreams are worthy of me, aligning with my core values and pushing me to grow. I have faith in the unknown and understand that I don't need all the answers. My dream ripples outwards, bringing joy and goodness to others. I am the master of my destiny, creating a life that is truly extraordinary. I embrace the power within me to choose my own talking frog, and I will choose wisely.

Choose your dreams wisely and become the architect of an extraordinary life.

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