- Bradley Woods
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- Your application of the wealth lessons begins today
Your application of the wealth lessons begins today
I hope you’re having a fantastic day!

I hope you’re having a fantastic day!
Do you know the story of Jim Carrey and the $10 million dollar check?
He had a vision of himself making an impact on the movie industry, and so he took a check out of his wallet every day and visualized signing a contract for $10 million.
Four or five years later, Jim Carrey was in a producer’s office where he was presented with a contract for the starring role in a movie - and it was for $10 million!
It sounds almost too incredible to be real, Jim Carrey was the first actor to ever sign a contract for that amount.
The lesson here is that anything is possible when you make the decision for it and commit.
If you’re ready to manifest the wealth of your dreams, you have to come from it and have a ‘firm decision’ to be wealthy.
Start with decluttering your environment - it’s an essential first step.
About 90 days should do it - take a box or drawer daily to clear your space.
Because energy moves where there’s clarity, your outside environment reflects your inside wealth-making.
You have an immense power to bring wealth into your life by making a decision for it and acting on it.
Imagine feeling so happy and grateful for the ability to translate your dream into your health, relationships, location, time, resources - and the good that you can create with them.
You can have it all, and you deserve it! Believe that you have what it takes and take the necessary steps to manifest the financial abundance of your dreams.
You know, you have the power to create and live the life you always wanted.
Transform your life through Abundance Meditation today. This powerful 8-Step Solution guide is designed to help you increase your abundance and success and is available now at this link.
Follow the steps, and watch your quality of life improve instantly.
Unlock your potential, and open yourself up to the abundance of life – start the journey now!
Here’s to you manifesting your greatness!
Bradley Woods
I am an abundant and successful provider who is fully supported in manifesting my wealth dreams. I align with the highest good and my highest vision of my life. I attract the perfect opportunities and resources, and I am open to receive them. I accept and embrace the abundance that flows through me. I trust in my own power to create the life I desire. I manifest the wealth and success I yearn for with ease and grace. I am grateful for the wealth of love and abundance in my life.